Japanese hunting exam study: Hunting equipment Section 3 Intro

Japanese hunting exam study: Hunting equipment Section 3 Intro
Japanese: Parts of a Shotgun

<<—Japanese Hunting Exam project Introduction

Section 3

of the Japanese Hunting Exam Sample test workbook is on Hunting equipment knowledge and operation. Here is where you find questions on the parts/operation of firearms, traps, nets, and other various required and regulated Japanese hunting equipment.

Why start here?

I chose to start here because the hunting equipment of Japan is very similar to the hunting equipment in the United States, a topic I am very familiar with. By starting in ‘familiar’ territory’, I can focus on learning the Japanese vocabulary and grammar unburdened by also having to learn new hunting concepts.

Section 3: Introduction

Ⅱ 知識試験の解説と例題 第 3章の 3 猟具に関する知識 (第一種・第二種銃猟猟具) 第3章の③ 猟具に関する知識
(3) 第一種銃猟 ①猟具の種類・構造・機能(銃器の種類)

The above passage is the ‘front matter’ of this section before it gets into the actual sample questions. Let’s tease this apart and start building the tools necessary to actually read this section!

Vocabulary Breakdown

A. Key Vocabulary:

  1. 知識試験 (ちしきしけん) – Knowledge Exam
    • 知識 (ちしき) – Knowledge
    • 試験 (しけん) – Exam
  2. 解説と例題 (かいせつとれいだい) – Explanation and Example Problems
    • 解説 (かいせつ) – Explanation
    • 例題 (れいだい) – Example Problem
  3. 猟具 (りょうぐ) – Hunting Tools
    • (りょう) – Hunting
    • (ぐ) – Tool/Equipment
  4. 銃猟 (じゅうりょう) – Firearm Hunting
    • (じゅう) – Gun/Firearm
    • (りょう) – Hunting
  5. 第一種 (だいいっしゅ) – Type 1
  6. 第二種 (だいにしゅ) – Type 2
  7. 種類 (しゅるい) – Type/Variety
  8. 構造 (こうぞう) – Structure
  9. 機能 (きのう) – Function
  10. 銃器 (じゅうき) – Firearm

Kanji Breakdown

Key Kanji: (note- Kanji can, and usually does, have multiply possible readings and uses. I have included the relevant reading here for this topic and for the vocabulary that this text produces from these kanji, but be sure to learn the other readings before using these kanji in other uses!)

  1. (ち) – Knowledge
  2. (しき) – Recognition/Knowledge
  3. (し) – Test/Trial
  4. (けん) – Experience/Examination
  5. (りょう) – Hunting
  6. (ぐ) – Tool/Implement
  7. (じゅう) – Gun/Firearm
  8. (こう) – Structure/Build
  9. (ぞう) – Make/Construct
  10. (き) – Mechanism/Function
  11. (のう) – Ability/Capability

Grammar Breakdown

  1. に関する (にかんする) – Concerning/Regarding
    • Example: 猟具に関する知識 – Knowledge regarding hunting tools
    • Usage: This phrase indicates the topic being discussed.
  2. (Possessive or Connecting Particle)
    • Example: 猟具の種類 – Types of hunting tools
    • Usage: Connects two nouns to indicate possession or classification.
  3. (List Separator)
    • Example: 種類・構造・機能 – Types, Structures, and Functions
    • Usage: Used to separate items in a list, often in technical texts.


So, the full Translation of the front matter to Section 3 would be:

Ⅱ 知識試験の解説と例題 第 3章の 3 猟具に関する知識 (第一種・第二種銃猟猟具) 第3章の③ 猟具に関する知識
(3) 第一種銃猟 ①猟具の種類・構造・機能(銃器の種類)

“II. Explanations and sample questions for the knowledge test Chapter 3, part 3 Knowledge about hunting equipment (first and second type gun hunting equipment)

Chapter 3, part 3 Knowledge about hunting equipment

(first and second type gun hunting equipment)

(3) First type gun hunting

① Types, structures and functions of hunting equipment (types of firearms)”

Anki card deck

And there you go! A breakdown of the kanji and vocabulary to start sinking your teeth into Section 3 of the Japanese Hunting practice test workbook: Hunting Equipment.

And, as promised, here is the Anki flashcard deck for this lesson. It has all the kanji and vocabulary for this lesson: Section 3 Front Matter Anki Deck

<<—Japanese Hunting Exam project Introduction

Section 3: Question 1 (coming soon!)—–>>

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